Monday, February 23, 2009

Great weight loss results!

I started a health coaching group in January with some women who wanted to get in shape and lose weight. I'm happy to report we've had great success: Beverlee lost 10 lbs, Robin lost 11, Beth lost 12 and Tammy lost 18 lbs, all in less than 2 months. The participants range in age from 37 to 67.

How did they do it? They purchased our weight loss kit and substituted one meal a day with our SPro whey protein powder and took the Green Tea Plus appetite suppressant.

They received daily motivational and inspirational emails and a weekly call to keep them on track and many used an accountability partner to hold themselves to their goals.

If you would like information on our products please visit

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Netflix for Jillian Michaels DVD

In my attempts to save money and keep my workouts fresh, I joined Netflix and found they have over 500 fitness DVDs to choose from, plus a variety for you, whether it's dance or yoga or resistance training or tai chi!

I opted for the plan that gives you one DVD at a time for less than $9 a month. With that, I can download an unlimited amount of movies at no extra cost. There is a free offer so you can check it out!

The selection is great. I took about 30 minutes to put ones that interest me into a list. When I send one back, I get the next on the list within two days. It's really fast.

They also suggest DVDs for you based on your interests. I love the service and I found a fitness DVD that I got a lot out of. It's Jillian Michaels for Beginners: Backside. I learned things I'd never heard before and it was a great workout.

Check out

Have a great day!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Staying compliant with your health goals

We have started another Health Coaching Group for the month of February!
To qualify, purchase our weight loss kit or $100 retail in S-Force products from my website at My contact info is at the site or below if you would like help ordering.

I would like to ask each of you to start thinking about what you want and what you will do differently this month. It has been my experience that baby steps in the right direction are what work. Set your goal and then decide what changes need to be made to get there, one step at a time. Add one step per week.

You have to be ready to make a change. Your reasons for changing will help you stay compliant. What are your reasons? Write them down and revisit them often.
I have a picture of how I would like to look on my fridge. We have to visualize what we want and believe that we can do it. I know, the believing part is the hard part! It will come, I promise. What you need are some small successes that allow you to get to the point where you trust yourself!

Our program officially begins February 2nd. I will be sending daily motivational or informational emails. Our first group call will be on Saturday February 7th at 11 am Eastern. This was the most popular time. It will be recorded in case you can’t make it. This is a 4 week program, with our calls taking place on the 7, 14, 21, and 28. Each call will be a 20 minute lesson with time after (for as long as you want) for interaction between the members and Q and A.

I am hoping to pair everyone up with a buddy to help keep you accountable, even if it is just via email. Let me know if you DO NOT want to participate in this.

With your S-Force Protein Powder replacing a meal one time per day and by taking your Green Tea Plus right after breakfast and lunch, you will be on your way to increasing your metabolism and focus, improving your mood, increasing muscle and losing fat.
I recommend 6 days on and then one cheat day! We’ll talk more about this in one of our calls.

I take the S-Pro protein powder and the Green Tea Plus daily, along with the vitamins, the Mega Omega supplement, the Green Tea Water Amplifiers and the two Amla products. I use these for optimal health. If you have questions about the benefits of any of these, please ask. If you have joint or cholesterol issues, I can promise you my mother and brother have gotten great results with our products that address these conditions.

One of our team members has lost 15 pounds since November!

After you order, send me your first name and email so I can put you on my email list.
